The "Great Commission" 

Question: What exactly is the Great Commission mentioned in the Bible and how will we know when it’s been completed?


The verses you refer to are Matt. 28:19–20!

There are some notes on these in my Bibles, which are IMO important to consider, so as to have the probable correct understanding.

These two verses were added after Jesus had Risen from the dead, before He Ascended to the Father “in AD29”. The Jewish authorities had tried to concoct a story (vs.11–15), to deny his Resurrection.

The Disciples had to go beyond Israel for the first time (Jesus had previously told them to stay within the Israel boundaries), that was to start the work of reaching the Gentiles of the World; but, the Jews were the “first priority” of God for Salvation!

The Holy Spirit was given at Pentecost, as had been promised by Jesus; after He had ascended into Heaven.

The work of evangelism continued with many remarkable events and actions by the Holy Spirit, and the introduction of Paul; who initially was the persecutor and executioner of the new converts to Christ Jesus!

Paul was accosted and converted to Christ Jesus, and became the most zealous of the Disciples, and after a short direct meeting with the Lord in Arabia, started a powerful work amongst the Jewish high command, in front of Kings and Rulers, as he had been told that he would by the Risen Lord!

Eventually he spoke to the last of the Synagogues at Acts 28: 25–28; who rejected his message from Christ Jesus (which was to save them from their dire sinning since their Deuteronomy Vows; as are summarised in Malachi)!

After that last rejection of God’s message to them in Christ Jesus; Paul was directed to enable the prophecy of Isa. 6:9–10; which placed Israel in the condition of Lo-Ammi; which will remain until the enactment of Zech.12:10; and is prophesied in Rom. 9:24–33!  The Jews will return to God and His Salvation for them when the “number of the Gentiles” is "FULL"; Rom.11:25–27!

Then they will be saved by God “Ezek. 39:21–29”; “for His Names Sake”!

So; it is seen in the above that what Jesus had started by His Command to His Disciples, was enforced and corrected to new information because of the Jewish Sanhedrin rejection, by the forceful conversion of Paul; because of the abject failure of the Jews; who had been shown in Gen. that they were to be a “Kingdom of Priest to God”!

As is seen from the above; the “Great Commission” cannot be completed until the Jews are again Ammi (My People)!


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